Well I can see nobody has commented on my blogs or shown any interest in anything i've wrote of said, which just shows how lame i am and how one of two posts full of bullcrap can't actually change people and be remembered as well as Martin Luther King's speech. I was starting to give up on this whole "write down everything because no matter how awesome a memory or time, it will fade" but i decided against it...
I know, i don't have 'power over the people' to make them read my blog, i know i'm not that popular or have that much influence on people, but that doesn't bother me because on Saturday night; for the first time in my life i realised that I am my own person and i can do my own things on my own terms without people being disapointed in me for doing so. I'm young, i make huge mistakes over and over, but who doesn't?
The truth is, this blog isn't about trying to force my opinion on strangers over the interwebs, or trying to show people how hilarious i can be and how passionate i am about certain topics and making them just as interested. This blog is about me, it's about my life my feelings, my expressions being typed out from my mind, without a draft, without a plan, without a spellcheck, just for me to go back to whenever i wish, so i can see how much i've grown, how much i've done (and what i haven't done) to stop myself from going back to the beginning. The beginning means i have to grow all over again, i'm sick of wasting my energy growing bit by bit. I want to spend my energy living.
And sitting on my bed watching Vampire Diaries online may not be 'living' to most people, but i guess the fact i have to wait 54 minutes before i can watch the next part of the episode thanks to Megavideo's dumb scheme, meant i had time to write this, which is the living part.
So, prom on Friday, Yipppeee T_T. Yea I'm not too into it. Wearing a formal dress, dancing, being all girly. These factors of prom i don't really agree with, the only real reason i'm attending is becuase my mum and friends want me too. Gosh, i sound like such a pushover, but i don't care, case i love them all, so faking smiles and pretending that my shoes aren't killing me slowly, shouldn't be so hard.
So yea, party on saturday, it was really really wacky. It was all sunny and i was wearing shorts and then all of a sudden it started rainging, like torential rain, so my grandad has to like run to tesco and buy this cheap small gazebo, and i'm telling you there was like 21 people all stood crowded under it, and then after an hour of it all ov=f a sudden this heavy powerful bouncing rain just stopped. It was a great chance to have a laugh and let loose with family members, which is exactly what happened in a manor, me and my mum, with the influences of alcohol got talking alot, which was great, i mean we've never really known how to aproach certain subjects and due us both being more relaxed we were abel to do so. So even though the day after i have a terrible stomach pains from renching and puking all over the bathroom wall, i don't regret drinking a big bottle of vodka, lager, cider and some VS.
Anyway i'm gonna post this and get it over with, so i can be embaressed about people reading what i've just said later.
I guess i'll see ya round.
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